Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli has actually been mined and valued as a gemstone for millennia. Lapis consists of a combination of different rocks: mainly lazurite, sodalite, calcite, pyrite and marble. This makes it one of the feldspar substitutes or feldspathoids. With a hardness of 5-5.5 on the Mohs scale, it is quite a soft stone, so be careful not to scratch!
The stone stands for sincere and loving relationships. Lapis is said to support in integrity, the thought process, intelligence, concentration, self-confidence, optimism and meditation. A fantastic accomplice is in difficult and stressful times.
Lapis Lazuli belongs to the zodiac signs Virgo and Sagittarius. read here more about which gems belong to zodiac signs!

Luna Rau

Lasike Dali

Lais Vito

Luah Nima

Pia Olli

Laio Celiz

Zula Dawi

Lazi Teo

Pira Kasi

Zuli Perlip

Lyena Rami

Loalis Basil

Lazu Oto


Limei Kyo