Aventurine is a green, orange, red, blue or yellow type of quartz with a special shimmer. This shimmer is called aventurization and is due to the chromium particles in the stone. The gemstone has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. The name aventurine is derived from the Italian 'a ventura' which means prosperity, happiness and coincidence.
Aventurine is seen as the stone of well-being. The stone represents prosperity, happiness, creativity and making your dreams come true.
Aventurine belongs to the zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Read more about which gemstones belong to zodiac signs on this page!


Aventurine Keychain

Aley Lika

Ata Boet

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Liva Rau

Ava Auv

Avery Eda

Avos Puki

Alma Vau

Baki Nika

Naim Tenzin

Layla Nando

Avir Mandu

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